"The Truth must Dazzle Gradually" ~ Emily Dickenson

Monday, January 24, 2011

Time Flies

My roommate recently commented on how quickly time goes by, I'd have to agree with her. When you hit your 20's life seems to speed up (I happen to be 27).

I describe life
right now
'Long days and Fast weeks'
The only way to deal is with Psalm 90:12
"So teach us

to number our days
that we may get
a heart of wisdom"
English Standard Version

The New American Standard reads
"...That we may
present to You
A heart of wisdom."

Today is all I have for certain,
So I say...
If time flies, strap on your hat and aviators
Because today is going to be quite a ride.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

1-11-11 @ 11:11 Ordinary & Extraordinary

I celebrated a 1 minute party last night at 11:11pm

Why?!?! you may ask... 11:11 happens 2x a day, every day, without fail.
Time is, in fact, one of the consistent elements in life that God has given to us.

I celebrated the ORDINARY... when was the last time you took a minute to thank God simply for being consistent... for making the sun rise? For letting it rain? For giving you another heart beat... and another and another and another.

I too often take for granted the ordinary. I have come to expect the wonderful gifts of breathing and simply waking up and falling asleep.

Yesterday was 1-11-11 so at 11:11 pm I celebrated 1 minute of joy and delight in what God has given me that I don't usually think about - let alone bother thanking Him for.
So at 11:11 pm I sent a few people a text telling them I was celebrating - I was thanking God for them! Sometimes I take you for granted... so today I want you to know that you are always on my VIP list to all of my parties - the ordinary and the extraodinary!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Joyous Epiphany of the Ridiculous

Joyous Epiphany to each and everyone who reads this (even though it was yesterday but since most people don't even know what it is let alone when, I figure I'll be forgiven). I challenge you to take a moment today and ponder the lives of the wise men. In faith they stepped out on a journey that seemed to outsiders

When was the last time you...
stepped up, stood up, spoke up

for what was right... but is often seen as ridiculous?

Sometimes following God leads you down 'ridiculous' paths... but seeing Jesus is ALWAYS worth it... besides maybe they'll be presents at journeys end.

- ridiculous; causing or worthy of ridicule or derision; absurd; preposterous; laughable -

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 2011

A new year
A new song on my heart
A new necklace

Old friends
Old dreams - revived
Old words speak new

2011 has already made itself known to me by challenging my heart.
I'm half Norwegian and the rest of me is Russian & German, so sharing my heart is not always my first inclination. However, as my heart has already been overflowing with emotions of all kinds - Joy, Sadness, Love, Disappointment, Peace, Passion - I think you get the idea.

My brother challenged me to start this blog 3 Christmases ago and I feel like I'm just starting to understand what I want it to be and what I need it to be.

Old friends, New friends - Today I welcome you to my blog - A blog proclaiming the Truth of Life and Love (mostly how Jesus is just that and how He shows me more of Himself everyday) and the highs and lows, curiosities and intrigues of the heart along the way.

"Speak 'Friend' and Enter"