"The Truth must Dazzle Gradually" ~ Emily Dickenson

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

1-11-11 @ 11:11 Ordinary & Extraordinary

I celebrated a 1 minute party last night at 11:11pm

Why?!?! you may ask... 11:11 happens 2x a day, every day, without fail.
Time is, in fact, one of the consistent elements in life that God has given to us.

I celebrated the ORDINARY... when was the last time you took a minute to thank God simply for being consistent... for making the sun rise? For letting it rain? For giving you another heart beat... and another and another and another.

I too often take for granted the ordinary. I have come to expect the wonderful gifts of breathing and simply waking up and falling asleep.

Yesterday was 1-11-11 so at 11:11 pm I celebrated 1 minute of joy and delight in what God has given me that I don't usually think about - let alone bother thanking Him for.
So at 11:11 pm I sent a few people a text telling them I was celebrating - I was thanking God for them! Sometimes I take you for granted... so today I want you to know that you are always on my VIP list to all of my parties - the ordinary and the extraodinary!

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